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Feel your feelings. Accept them without judgement.. They are only telling you something that you are unaware of..


As a child I was always asked to be the responsible sibling. Even at the age of 5 I had to choose between going out and play or sit at home and take care of my younger sister while my elder brother went out and played. I chose to stay home and help mom because that gave me her approval and I felt loved. I felt close to her. But what really happened in that moment was a fragmentation. A fragmentation within me of the me who wanted to just be a child and go and play and the one who chose to stay back and thus got Mom’s approval.

As I grew up, such instances were many. I grew up to be a good, responsible, respectful daughter, till the day I wasn’t.
I began opening up to my whole self.. I learned to begin to own my shadow self.
In one such instances in 2018, when I had stuff come up in my relationship with my partner, I opened up further to myself and realized that in this instance I was playing up this trauma.
I realised that everytime my partner would go out on work trips, I would get triggered. I used to feel this anger bubble up, I felt hurt, deep pain, like I was being abandoned. And I felt anger and shame, anger because I had to be responsible for everything back at home while my partner was away at his work trips, shame for feeling this way about the family I love so much.

During many of my trainings and my own sessions with my coach, I came to a small understanding of where this was coming from. And I came to this memory where I saw myself as a child of 5 having to choose between play and responsibility, my mom angry because I stood still not wanting to come and help her, her anger and frustration changing to ease when I stepped away from the door and helped her with the baby. I understood then that part of me had experienced a trauma. And this is what I was experiencing as an adult with my partner.

I wouldn’t have understood any of this had I not chosen to sit with my feelings. The anger, the pain, the shame. I sat with it. I immersed myself in it… I chose not to walk away from them and abandon the part of me that was feeling it all.
I chose to coax out answers from those feelings and that’s what made me aware of that initial moment of what I choose to call the Trauma. Having understood what had happened in that moment, I chose to put all the methods I learned into practice.. And it has always helped me connect deeper with myself.. And I have learned to honor that part of myself who wants what she wants and not judge her for it. I have learned to have authentic conversations with my partner who has listened to every word I said with love and kindness.

Traumas are so real and many a times we aren’t even aware of them. And till the time you haven’t healed those fragments of you, integrated those parts of you, brought those parts of you into light, how do we really feel complete? Your feelings are saying so much to you only if you are willing to listen to them instead of shunning them.

What emotions are you not allowing yourself to feel?

What is Law of Attraction?


So many people seem to have misunderstood the Law of Attraction and think it’s some magical formula (well in a way it is-just not the way you think) wherein you think of something and it manifests. Well it’s not that simple. But often people think it is and when it doesn’t give the results they misconstrued it would, they discard the whole Law and label it as bogus. The truth, though, is that Law of Attraction works. Every single time. All the time. Just like the Law of Gravity, it simply is.  Remember how we humans discarded it’s truth too, till we couldn’t. 

To understand Law of Attraction, one must understand the Law of Vibration, and accept it’s premise as valid. Law of Vibration says that everything we see and don’t see is vibrating at certain frequency of energy. It means everything in this entire Universe or even Multiverse is made of Energy. So everything big and small, be it the stars in the galaxy and the planets to us human beings to the trees and the tiniest grains of sand, the smallest of organisms like an amoeba, are all constantly vibrating at a certain frequency unique to it.  It’s that vibration that we are perceiving and our brains are interpreting into forms. The table you sit at is vibrating at a frequency which your mind is perceiving and giving it a form of a table. The colours you see is just the vibrations unique to that colour being interpreted as that particular colour by your mind. The denser the energy and frequency the easier it is for your mind to form a concrete shape and structure to it and more solid it seems, more tangent it seems. The lighter the frequency, the more abstract and formless and intangible it is perceived by the human brain. Colours and Music are lighter frequencies meaning they are vibrating very very fast which means we can see the colour the colour and hear the music but can’t touch or feel it (unless your Clairs are really well formed) 

So technically speaking everything we see is really something that is inside our head. Nothing really exists outside of us. Everything then is our perception of energy and frequencies. This is not just me saying random things. It’s something that Science has been studying for years now and have come to the same conclusion. And even though this is the truth our physical understanding or our logic fails to accept it. 

Yet when we let our logic take a backseat and perceive energy beyond the interpretation of our limited 5 senses, many begin to feel the energy around. Many times we find that as we enter a room, the energy of that space feels different. Or there are times when we don’t really connect with certain individuals, because their “energy” or just something about them feels off. Or we meet a person and feel rejuvenated in their presence. These are all examples of us tapping into the vibrations and frequencies of the people or the spaces with our other unquantified senses..

Now when we understand this Law of Vibration, we begin to understand another truth about it. Like attracts Like. Anything that is vibrating at similar frequencies will be attracted to each other. 

In it’s physical aspects I can think of Water and Oil. The frequency of Oil is denser and that of Water is lighter so we see that they don’t mix. One could say that they even repel each other. But anything that is like water mixes easily because their energies  attract and accept each other. 

Thoughts are vibrations too. Each thought we think is evoking an emotional response and you can, by how it feels, say which thought has what vibrations. Good feeling thoughts have higher vibrations. So when your are feeling Happy, Joyful, Compassionate, Loving, Kind, Passionate, Excited, Enthusiastic or any other emotion that makes you feel good in it’s essence, you know its a result of a higher vibrating thought or belief. A belief is simply a Thought you have thought over and over again till it has become a habit of thought or as we call belief. Belief becomes a dominant train of thought that begins to evoke an automatic emotional response in us which we in time become oblivious to. It becomes so ingrained that we become unaware that we thinking it even. Just like brushing your teeth every morning. Most of us don’t even put any thought into how to do it. It has become second nature to brush our teeth.. Our muscles have developed a memory for it.. Now the thought we are thinking and how we are feeling about each thought is what is creating our dominant vibration. So now if your in a constant state of happiness, your dominant vibration is that of happiness. Now remember the second Law of Vibration. Like attracts like. Our thoughts are creating a perception and chemical response in our mind which in turn is creating our so called reality. So when your vibration is that of happiness, you are attracting a reality that matches it. When your vibration is that of love, you are attracting more love into your life. 

And when your vibration is that of lack of anything, you are attracting more of the same in your life. If your thoughts are constantly focused on what’s wrong in the world, well what do you think you are attracting? Your reality will prove it to be true and right for you. Every single time, Wherever you turn. If you think and come to believe that abundance is limited, your reality will prove it to be true by attracting struggle and lack of abundance in your life. Law of Attraction is Absolute. Whatever you are giving attention to in your thoughts, grows in your reality, your life…

The wonderful about this whole thing is that we can choose our thoughts. We can choose to change our thoughts and beliefs. We can choose to give attention to better thoughts. And how do you understand which thoughts you are thinking in any given moment. By how you are feeling… Your feelings are constantly indicating your point of attraction in every given moment. Meaning your emotions are letting you know what you are thinking is a higher vibration thought or a lower vibration thought. 

So use your feelings to become aware of what your dominant thoughts are and begin to change them if you are not liking your reality or how you are feeling about yourself and life. Law of Attraction will bring new matching experiences into your reality.

That is our promise to you all.

Blessed Be! 


Turn Mirror Work into Mirror Play and reap wonderful benefits:


Mirror work has been championed by Louise Hay, our mentor, our guide, and one of the biggest pioneer of self love. She advocated the use of Mirror work to connect with our inner being, our inner child and create a loving relationship with it.

She would ask her clients and Workshop participants to look into the mirror everyday and say the affirmations, beginning with telling yourself “I am willing to learn to love you” repeatedly.. This is also what we call as reprogramming of the subconscious mind.

Moving from the willingness to “I love you just the way you are” “I love you and accept you just the way you are” ” I love you and approve of you exactly as you are” and any other affirmation that one would like to say to themselves. Again it’s a process of resetting the wiring of the subconscious mind to create self love, self worth and deservability so that the mind begins to create new experiences through the repetition of an act. It’s really a powerful tool.

For me Mirror is a powerful tool in itself. It allows me to look deep within my soul. It allows to connect with who I really am, with the essence of my soul as I journey through the shadows of my personality too. We all have this shadow self, a part we have rejected and not liked and kept locked, ignored and unseen. Mirror work beautifully helps integrate you to the whole of you, as it reflects back all of you through it. You cannot ignore and un-see every bit of you when you practice mirror work.

It helped me connect with the angry inner child in me who hated the responsibility laid on her when she was a little girl herself. Responsibility to take care of others first. I look into the mirror everyday to comfort her and love her and let her know she is safe.

It helped me connect with my inner who felt unworthy and undeserving. And reaching out to her helped immensely in the process of healing my life, my soul.

For me mirror also represents expansion and depth. We use mirrors in small spaces to create a feeling of expansion. So when I play with the mirror and connect with myself, as I say my affirmations, I allow myself to expand, I allow myself soul to expand, my worthiness and my deservability to expand and grow and create depth.

It also reflects out what I feel inside, so when I begin to change what I feel inside, that is reflected back through the mirror in my world on the outside too. What a powerful tool indeed!

Did I mention Mirror Play to you? I have arrived at this conclusion that though initially, it seems like a lot of work, gradually this process has become play for me. It feels good to look into the mirror every morning and greet myself with love. It feels good to connect with my inner child and comfort her when she needs it. It feels good to look into the mirror and connect with my inner being and celebrate the joys of life, to share the gratitude. I have come to love this process and I know how powerful and beneficial it.

So just take 10 minutes each day to look into the mirror and say to yourself “I love you, I Really really love you. I love and approve of you just the way you are.” Say the affirmations as you look into the mirror and deep within your eyes. Do it consistently, every time you pass a mirror, every time you catch your reflection in a mirror or a window.. Just practice it with love and faith and turn the work into play. And the mirror will reflect back that love in your world outside.. Thank You Louise for such beautiful gifts you gifted us with.

Want learn more about how to change your thoughts, how to create self love and deepen it, create more deservability so that your life on the outside changed too? You can do so by registering for the 2 Day Heal Your Life Workshops I conduct on a regular basis in Delhi. I also have some online workshops based on Louise Hay’s teachings. To know more connect with me..

Blessed Be!

Honouring the Life of Louise Hay


I never met you in person but you are a huge part of who I am. You changed my life! Quite literally! Louise, I found you through your book “You Can Heal Your Life” on 18th October 2009 at a train station in Kolkata, on a day when I was running away from home. I had fled away from my old life, of confinement, a life that suffocated me because I blamed my parents for not being who I wanted them to be, for always telling what kind of life I had to lead, for not keeping me safe when I needed it the most, for making me responsible for others happiness at an age when I just wanted to be a child.
And even in the moments when I planned my escape from the home that had felt like a prison, I knew deep in my bones, something wonderful will come out of it!
And then I picked up your book at the train station and I began to find answers to my questions about my life.

I healed the inner child in me who had been sexually abused by people known to her, the part who felt so unloved and unaccepted for who she was. I healed my deservability, I found the courage to be who I really am – Fearless, Childlike, Wise, Inspirational, Expressive, Creative, Abundant and Accepting of myself and of others. You taught me so much about Love. And with every word I read and practiced, a part of me healed.

And as I did that I healed my relationship with my parents, my partner and most importantly myself. I always had intellectualised forgiveness before I learned from your wisdom, you taught me what forgiveness really is. I slept with your book, I read and reread it over and over and I knew I wanted to share this gift with others. Training as a teacher and life coach in your philosophy were the best gifts I ever gave myself.

I not only got the tools to share this work with others, my inner work deepened with each training. I removed layers and layers of conditioning from my being and found a connection to my soul that has been deepening ever since. I have become limitless because of the journey you set in motion for me. You found me as much as I found you. And for that I am ever so grateful! I am grateful for all the joy and happiness you helped me discover within me. I love you so so much!
Thank you for shining your light, being the beacon to souls like me and guiding them to the light within them. You live in me and in others through me and in so many beautiful souls who found you like I did.
Sending you a loving embrace and all my Gratitude!

May your light be lit in many many many more souls. I know you are smiling right now wherever you are, feeling the love I am feeling for you. Your legacy lives in millions of us now. And it’s a joy for me to be a channel for your legacy of love.
Thank you!

louisehay #twoyearanniversary #healyourlife #youcanhealyourlife #hayhouse #honouringlouisehay #thebeaconoflove #selflove #powerofpositivity #powerhouse #phenomenon #phenomenalwoman

You have to BE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world.


I came across a post on social media today where the individual talks about the economy and have their entire focus on the recession they believe is approaching.

It reminded me of the importance of something very important. “Our thoughts are constantly creating our reality.”

When a large group of people come together and focus on the same thought, what do you think is going to occur? They are creating a stronger thought form by focusing their energy strongly on it. We live in a Yes Universe. The Law of Attraction is going to comply and bring about the experience to match that thought form.

Imagine when almost the entire country is focused on a thought. Imagine the amount of energy they are creating my dreading an outcome, in this case a recession. What you resist in thought, persist in your experience. If you are focused on what you don’t want, you are going to create more of the same. That is the Law. Isn’t the evidence we see enough to support it?

Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I believehe was almost onto something. You have to BE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world. If YOU believe there is lack in your life,struggle is a part of life, resources in this world are limited, there isn’t enough for everyone, the system is failing you, world is not a safe place, what are you going to create in your experience? It’s simple. Matching experiences that support that belief.

If you keep criticising the world around,focus on all that is going wrong, what are you going to create? More of the same, isn’t it?

Why don’t we begin to focus on the change we really want? And the first step is to begin to change our reality. If you want peace and love, begin by loving yourself and extending the same to everyone around you. If you want the world to be kind, begin by being kind to yourself first and then everyone around you. Be kind to a stranger. Light the flame of kindness and love in other’s heart. How can you truly love another when you don’t know how to love yourself? If you want to see abundance in the world, be-come abundant in your thoughts first. If you want the world to prosper, choose prosperity thoughts in your mind first. Be-come prosperous in your feelings.

If you wish to see a political system that works for the good of everyone, first start with changing your relationship with yourself. First be-come aware of the Cooperative Universe you live in where everything is always working out for you.

Let’s Be-gin to expect good experiences, happy experiences, brilliant experiences to come around in our reality instead of dreading everything in life. Let’s stop complaining about how the country is in shambles and begin to look for positive aspects in everything. Be-gin by looking for positive aspects in your Day to Day life.

Someone created the phrase “Charity begins at home” What they meant, in my opinion,is, “Change you seek outside,Be-gins within you. Life is here for you. Are you ready to Be there for Life?

Are you ready to stop complaining? Are you ready to Begin the process of change within yourself? Can you imagine the changes that are bound to come about when we all unite in love for ourselves and for others? When more and more and more of us believe that there is enough for everyone and that the Universe always has our back? Let’s

Instead of thinking there is a system that isn’t working, let’s spend some time each day in visualising the changes we desire in its place. Let’s see the economy as we want it to be, let’s visualise enough resources available to everyone, let’s visualise abundance and a flourishing country and world. When all of us come together in our thoughts and belief, the change on the outside has to come.

Let’s begin by looking for the smallest of the smallest positive aspects in everything. Let’s Be-gin the change within. Let us Be the change we want to see in the world. Blessed Be!

The Universe has your back


When HYL spills into your coffee mug… When what you live by is imbued in everything.. When you are sipping your morning tea and this cute little Unicorn reminds you with each sip that “You’re Amazing just the way you are”, when your Inner Child feels loved and warm and fuzzy, how can you not feel grateful for this beautiful gift of life you’ve been blessed with?!

I can’t thank Louise enough for the work she created, she truly transformed my life and that of so many.  I am so grateful to myself for choosing to believe in the possibilities of a truly wonderful life.  I am grateful that I always hold the vision of the life I know has already been created because I asked for it.  I am thankful to myself for always following my inner being’s guidance and taking inspired actions such as randomly picking up this mug, that is such a beautiful way of reinforcing the affirmations without even trying..

When you ask, it’s always given, even your  surrounding becomes eager to see you thrive and breathe in alignment with your inner being. How does it ever get better than this?
I am in so much Gratitude right now for all that is!  Life feels Blissful! This moment is enough! This moment I choose Happiness!
All is perfect, whole and complete!
#Lifelovesme #bliss #happiness #happinessisachoice #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #theuniversehasyourback #louisehay #hayhouse #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #inspiration #inspiredliving #positivethoughts #selflove #innerchild #HealYourLife #youcanhealyourlife #iamloved #Iamblessed #selfworth #joy #lifecoach #yoursoulsvision

Life can be easy if you choose it.

I recently attended a few events which had speakers come up and talk about their lives and how they overcame so much. Its inspiring to see people do that.

I also see a trend of putting struggle and hard work on a pedestal. Most individuals believe and propagate the belief that life is meant to be hard and difficult and full of struggles and only those who propagate the same are really seen as true heroes and an inspiration. I believe in something different now. I believe that life can be easy. Just like any other belief that we carry in our subconscious mind,that we have accepted as the truth, this is just another perception. A perception or a belief is a thought we have thought over and over and over.

So it goes to say that I can replace this old belief with a new one, if I really choose to. I for one have chosen to make the rest of my life, the best of my life. I have decided to have an easy life. I do not say no to struggle and difficulty and hard work. I just choose to say Yes to ease, joy and glory.

I choose to be inspired by people who are choosing the same. Its seems to me that when we are choosing to believe that life is hard and we are overcoming it all by sheer will of our determination, we are trying to prove ourselves to the world and the Universe. But the truth is the Universe already adores me and each one of us just the way we are, by the virtue of the fact that we exist.

And if we are responsible for our own lives and our own happiness, then who are we really trying to prove ourselves to? We are only trying to prove our worthiness to ourselves. And the truth is we already are worthy and deserving. It’s time now we accepted this truth.

We deserve an easy, fun filled, happy life. Each one of you. Let’s release the belief and the story of struggle and hard work and pain, and in it’s place let’s be willing to love ourselves and know we are worthy of ease and fun and happiness.

Let’s inspire others with our stories that are filled with ease, and magnificence and fun. Let’s inspire one person at a time by living our own lives with ease first. Those who are ready to create ease in their life will take their inspiration when needed.

What are you choosing as your life story?

Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Down the Stream…


When you are connected to the Source at all times, inspiration flows through many channels.

Today as I sang this nursery rhyme to and with my beautiful baby girls,(I am a mom to two beautiful twin girls) , it dawned on me.. Bing Crosby was on to something.. He was on to Abraham’s message..

Row Row Row Your Boat,

Gently down the stream,

Merrily merrily merrily merrily,

Life is but a Dream..

Here I can sense Bing advocating the rowing of life downstream. And as you all who are familiar with Abraham’s words,know that they are always talking about going downstream where life flows through ease and joy and merry and happiness. Whenever we are feeling that we are trying too hard in life, stressing over things in life, working too hard, feeling negative emotions, our inner being is letting us know that we are moving upstream.. And moving upstream does not feel good for it is against the flow of life.

When you are rowing downstream, going with the flow of life, enjoying, connected to your inner being, taking your attention to good feeling thoughts, the rowing is easier and it innately feels good. And that’s where all the joy and happiness and fun lies..

Just follow the path downstream, pivoting your attention on good feeling thoughts, moving from your current place of feeling/thinking to a better feeling thought, deliberately seeking the delicious feeling of relief and feeling better and better, becoming more and more aligned with who you really are.. For you are more than this body, more than this physical experience. You are the soul in this physical form that continues to exist in it’s non physical essence in the non physical realm. This life is but a Dream… Just a small dream in the expanse of the true awakened state of your existence in the non physical realm.

This physical experience we are having on this planet, this physical dimension at the leading edge of thoughts where we are experiencing all these physical life experiences is just a dream.. A dream you can choose the variant of – a good and easy dream you enjoy as you row your boat (life in this case) down the stream as gently and lovingly as you can, having fun through the process Or a dream that feels more like a illusion, filled with struggle and difficulties or pain and unhappiness.

And if you’ve had enough of the illusion, the pain, the struggle, turn your boat around and begin rowing down the stream, where well being abounds and have fun as you flow through this life with ease joy and glory, one with your well being that is your birthright..

I can show you how…connect with me for more on this

Blessed Be!