Tag: meditation

What if the definition of a good Partnership and marriage was,”not having a definition of it at all”?

What if the definition of a good Partnership and marriage was,”not having a definition of it at all”?

I have been contemplating a lot on this for the last few months. Asking the Source a lot of questions regarding what true partnership, relationship means.

A while back I came to this awareness. A partner/husband/wife is not supposed to be the source of joy in our lives. The concept of marriage was created by society for many reasons (economical, biological, lineal).
And we have created so many beliefs and points of view around marriage and intimate relationship
which has nothing to do with creating a joyous partnership/relationship/intimacy.

We have been taught and conditioned to believe that we have to mate for life. A faulty premise to begin with. We can choose to do so of course. But the fact that we have been conditioned to believe,that if we don’t have that something is wrong with us or we are not good enough. What Hogwash!

Little girls are made to believe that they can fulfill their purpose on earth only when they have given birth to a child or children ,experienced motherhood, married, settled down so to speak (not in the exact order of what I just typed here). Where is the choice in that? How many of you have made yourself wrong, faulty, not good enough because you haven’t accomplished that yet or having done that, you still don’t feel fulfilled?

How many boys have been conditioned to believe that their true worth lies in being a ‘provider’, the strong manly archetype who goes to work at wee hours of the morning, is the breadwinner of the family, and is meant to be the strong and silent one. How many men are being shown by example he is not meant to be nurturing, or emotionally communicative?

We learn that a good relationship means spending an expected amount of time in each others company. That if you or your partner doesn’t do that, something is wrong with your relationship. We come to believe if you both don’t like and enjoy the same things you ain’t compatible. How many have come to believe that ending a relationship that doesn’t seem to be working is a sing of your failure?

There are so many programmings each and everyone is operating from.

What if relationships could be anything that we wanted it to be? What if the partner wasn’t supposed to be the one to fill our cup of joy? What if we are the ones who get to choose what fills our cup and we are the ones responsible for our happiness? What if one person wasn’t supposed to be all the colors in the fabric of our experiences? What if we chose to let go of the expected notions of what makes a marriage/relationship good or bad? What if we were the ones who got to choose what the right relationship looks like for us? What if we got to choose a relationship did not maketh or breaketh our life?

What if you were the one who got to choose an absolute new construct of the dynamics and interplay of your intimate relationship? What if you were to know that your life is an ongoing creation? That nothing needs to be defined or decided based on forever and a lifetime? That you are creating your experiences, be it with relationships – intimate or otherwise, with money, with time, with everything that is the fabric of your life, moment by moment with the choices you are making in your beliefs and in your perspectives?

And the truth is that you can choose differently, you can choose anew, you can choose to receive. The journey starts with you. It starts with the awareness of who you truly are- Energy being inhabiting this body. You have a choice to acknowledge that truth for yourself and begin playing with the energy that you are and receive infinite possibilities that the Source would love to help you receive.

What possibilities would you like to experience in your life? In your relationships? With money? In your health? With your body?

I leave you here to reflect and expand your awareness if you choose to do so. Why not ask the Universe “What else is possible?”

If you wish to explore this awareness more, let’s come together. I would love to assist you with some new tools to do just that.

Love and Blessings


What is my life purpose?

What is my life purpose?
I have been asked that question so many times and I really started contemplating on it and a voice in me answered ” Life purpose isn’t a single act in a single direction. It’s in every moment and in every action.

What if your life purpose today was the patient conversation you had with the cab driver who just needed a few words of positive upliftment?

What if you fulfilled a life purpose when you posted a message close to your heart that inspired someone and made them feel heard and seen?

What if you fulfilled a life purpose when you adopted a puppy who needed someone to love it?
What if you fulfilled a life purpose by sharing your joy with another?

What if you fulfilled a life purpose by helping someone raise and provide for street dogs?
What if you fulfilled a life purpose when you inspired a friend to write a book?

What if you are fulfilling a life purpose by sharing your gift with even a few each day?
What if you fulfilled a life purpose when you helped your mother in her household chores?

What if you fulfilled a life purpose with these words you write right now and it touches a chord in just one heart?
What if your life purpose is only about you living each moment in full awareness, deep kindness and being willing to share your joy?

Do you feel you are not good enough sometimes,just the way I do?

I have done a lot of inner work. Trust me. A lot. From someone who could barely speak up for herself to this confident, deeply in love with herself woman, I have come a long way.

Yet there are rare days that I feel I am not good enough. Of late I have been working on giving myself permission to go big on my dreams. I have so much to share about my journey and I want to reach out to a massive amount of people out there and inspire them to dream big and manifest those dreams too. And the fact that I just said this out loud on a social media platform for you all to read scares the s*** out of me. But hey atleast I am allowing myself to share my desires with the Universe. Universe, I trust that you are reading this too😁

And for a while now, a part of me is acting up. I can hear a voice in me say “Hey but what can you say, that hasn’t been already said? There are so many inspiring people out there. What do you have to say that they already haven’t said?” And it shakes me up, this voice.

But that’s the part of showing up even with your fears. Fears and doubts do show up, in their endeavour to protect you, to keep you in the known space, protecting you from the threat and danger of the unknown. I choose to see it for what it is. And I choose to walk ahead with it and despite it. I choose to thank it for trying to protect me. But the fact is that I don’t need it’s protection. There is no threat out there. Except the voice in my head ofcourse.

I choose to tune out the voice that says I am not good enough. Today I just choose to crank up the volume of the voice in my head that says ” Dilpreet get out there and write whatever you are feeling. You may just inspire someone with the message you have to share. Even if you don’t, you are good enough because you just showed up for yourself”. I love hearing this voice so I am going to just increase its volume for the time being I think.

As for you, sit with this message and really be willing to hear this and feel this – You are more than that voice in you that says you are not good enough. Don’t let that voice decide your choices for you. Speak up. Write. Dance. Share your voice, yourself, your message, in whatever form you want to and know that you are good enough. You are worthy enough. You deserve to shine. Your story, your words have the potential to inspire plenty out there.. Your dreams are important and when you choose to truly deeply believe in them, they show up in your reality. I know this to be true for the dreams I dreamt yesterday are a part of my today. I know that the dreams I am dreaming today are meant to be.

For now I take joy in having showed up here, for having expressed myself.

How are you choosing to show up for yourself today?