Law of Attraction is…


For years people were not aware of the existence of Gravity and didn’t understand it’s principles. Yet Gravity existed. Had it not, we would have been flying around aimlessly, not grounded..we would not have really survived come to think of it. We would not have experienced the joys of living on earth, having a house, sailing the oceans and rivers. We would have been spinning at lightning speed with earth’s rotation.. Our brain in tizzy with the movement. Phew!!

And yet human, in time, stumbled upon the principle of Gravity, in one of those Eureka Moment. Well I believe that their desire to understand Gravity was so strong that in a moment when this human was in complete alignment with the Source, allowed the answer and understanding to flow through him.

And just as the Law of Gravity existed even before we began to understand it, the Law of Attraction exists, whether many have still understood and accepted it or not. It did take years for people to accept the earth was round, that Gravity was real. Truth is often that simple yet hard to make sense of. But it’s existence doesn’t really get diminished.

Law of Attraction is… It exists. It is true. It is phenomenal. And I believe in time more and more people will see and understand it’s truth. My job is not to convince others. I am only going to enjoy the process of creation through its principles and as I do so many will join me at the disc I am at (high vibrational space) as they begin to see the value it offers. I am going to have fun creating my life and live it’s truth. And when you begin to wonder how I am having so much fun, and are open to know what I am doing, I’ll show you how..

We are glad that Law of Attraction has a buffer of time in its creation. Else imagine how it would be to have a thought and experience it instantly,before we even got to process our desires by way of contrast. There would be chaos. Just like the lack of Gravity would have created chaos.

And yet there are those still doubting it’s truth. Well I am going back onto my disc. See you all whenever you are ready to join me there.

Have fun

Blessed Be!

Emotions – our Inner GPS System


We are either looking up to God to help us, to give us answers, to guide us, to provide us with solutions Or we are blaming God for how miserable our life is, for not helping us, for letting us suffer, for all that is wrong in the world.
But most of us are not ready to take responsibility of who we are and what we are creating.
God made us in His/Her image.. Which I understand as us being the purest and furthermost extension of that Pure Positive Energy. God gave us free will.. Meaning we choose the life we create, the experiences we attract. The tool for creation is our thoughts.. God created us through His/Her thought and in the same way we create our lives through our thoughts. Our emotions are our GPS, guiding us on this path of creation.. When you are feeling good feeling emotions, you are aligned not just to your inner being, you are aligned with the Source.. When you are feeling bad feeling emotions you know you are off track, you are not aligned with who you really are.. It’s your GPS system telling you you are off the route. You are off the route because you gave attention to something you don’t like and don’t want in your life. How far away you are off the route shows how long you’ve been ignoring your emotional GPS system.. When are feeling absolutely miserable it indicates you’ve been giving attention to something in your thoughts and observing it for so long that it has become really embedded in your reality..
And yet how many of us really do follow the inner GPS system?

What you give focus on, you attract as your life experience.


The Law of Attraction is absolute. Whatever you are thinking in a given moment,whatever you are reading and whatever emotion this thought is eliciting within you in this moment is becoming a point of attraction. You begin to attract matching experiences to it.

As you are giving attention to things that are not making you feel good and you are feeling a negative emotion about it, it is activating an attraction for experiences that match those negative emotions.

You read something that does not make you feel good. It’s essence creates a negative emotion in you that which given attention for a certain amount of time, starts gathering momentum. This momentum is now at work. It begins attracting into your life that which matches that negative emotion. And now you find yourself coming across more such news or incidents.

It’s important that you give your attention to things that you really want to create more of in your life.

Have Fun Creating.

Blessed Be!